Shanley Hotel Investigation nearly here

Well our group investigation of the Shanley hotel is almost upon us. I can tell you this…

I am very psyched. It’s going to be a blast. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have more Pirc team mates up there with us.

Perhaps the next group investigation will have more of us.

In any event I’m splitting my time getting things ready, reviewing and working on a new combination IR/UV light. I bought a full spectrum camera and I really need to get this light completed. It will be an essential piece to have for the night.

I will have lots to post when I get back. Geez – I’ll have 2 private investigations and 2 group ones to put up. I’ve writing up Fort Mifflin and try to post a little soon. If not under investigations perhaps in the Forum. I’ll definitely post much more after next week.

Just wanted to give you all a little teaser. Talk to you soon. Barb

Solution for Green Hyperlinked Words

Firefox users I have found a solution for getting rid of those green double underlined words that have a hyperlink to a manufacturer. This is also posted in the forum.

You can basically opt out of having the manufacturers link show by mousing over the green word and clicking the ? on the upper right then following the instructions to opt out on the page that gets opened.

Make sure you check the box before entering the captcha code and submitting. You should see a confirmation that you have opted out successfully.

Pass this along to anyone you know who doesn’t appreciate the manufacturers using our websites as free advertising.


PIRC Forum now available

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a new addition to the PIRC website. I’ve added a forum which is available from the menu bar. You must be a registered user to post but that is simple. Just click on the registration link to get started. All users are welcomed.
This is just another way for our followers to get involved and make the website a fun place to visit.
PIRC members should use their website login IDs. Email Barbara if you have any questions.

Share your paranormal photos

I received some good responses to the Orb posting and some people even say they have some interesting photos. So I’d like to open up a page for other people to send in their paranormal photos for me to post. Once I receive I’ll put up a page with them on it. Please make sure the photos relate to the paranormal in some way. I’ll post your name next to them for credit so please be sure to include how you want the photo credit to be listed.

Orbs – paranormal or not

I’m going to open up a discussion on orbs. I know I’m opening a big door but I’m interested in people’s opinions. And people’s opinions on this subject vary from one extreme to the other.

Before I start I’m going to ask anyone who participates to please respect others opinions even if they don’t agree with yours. Any name calling will not be tolerated.

Ok… here goes.

Is an orb always dust, insect, other debris or are some orbs signs of paranormal activity?

Now since the age of digital cameras orbs have increased. Certainly I’ve gotten more than I ever had. Having said that I find it interesting that I never just get them on regular photos. It seems I only get them when I suspect paranormal activity and I only started getting them since our parents have passed. Believe me the cats never did this before. All these occurrences have transpired since the first parent passing.

Let me clarify. I have taken over 100 photos in my living room/stairway area and for the most part I never get an orb. For the most part? Yes all regular photos never show any orbs. Yet whenever one of my cats start acting weird and stare at the stairs like something or someone is there, combined usually with us hearing noises or footsteps and I get up and take a photo from their angle I will get an orb or series of orbs. (usually it has to be at their angle although there is that rare occasion that I get one without their pov)

Now these aren’t ones just close to the camera. I get some far back up the top of the stairs and some of these are so bright. But not in a reflective way. Some seem to have substance and others not. I know some could be dust but there are those few that I have gotten that make me wonder. Like I said this orb thing only began since. If it were dust then why would I not see them when I have people in the house and the dust is surely being kicked about? I don’t know the answer and I am reluctant to say unequivocally that these are paranormal but now that I am amassing more of these types I have to begin to wonder.

What about orbs that are a different color?

Until a recent investigation I have never gotten a colored orb, other than white/gray that is.

I recently did a night investigation at Fort Mifflin, PA and while the evening was interesting and enjoyable I personally only had “one” personal experience that night. (I will post the full investigation soon) Here is where the orb comes in. I was in the blacksmith shop standing in the doorway when I heard a distinctive voice right outside. A woman’s voice. (Promise the orb part is coming) When I heard the voice I just thought it was one of the other investigative teams but when I leaned out to look there was no one there so I stepped outside for a better, more thorough look. After feeling confident there was no one I got the distinct feeling there was someone watching me from either the building in front of me (an old open stable or barn I think but now just some storage) or the hill next to it and behind it. So I began to take a series of pictures.

Now the orb(s).

When I began to review the photos the first thing I noticed was there were 2 distinctive orange colored orbs. There were other orbs (gray) in the picture, faint but there and I did feel those could be dust but here were these orange ones. As I went through the pictures again I discovered a rather strange little light (not sure I could call it an orb but it might fit that category) that appeared near the top of the barn roof. It seemed to move about from one still shot to the next. (I will post these for your comments) Now again I’m on the fence about orbs believe me. I like hard scientific evidence but… I can’t explain what these are or when I get them at my house.

Anyway I’m going to look at them again and will link the page when I post but I really am curious what others opinions are about orbs. Orbs on video are, I believe a little easier to determine what they are since the way they move, illuminate and behave are very telling. I mean bugs are pretty easy to pick out on video but perhaps not so much on a still shot.

So what’s your take on orbs? Colored orbs, illuminated orbs, orbs that seem to move with a purpose on video and other situational orbs. Anyone care to weigh in on the subject?

Fort Mifflin, PA


Just a quick note (I promise there will be a more detailed write up)

Well Fort Mifflin was amazing at night. If you’ve never been there, it’s pretty amazing during the day but at night it takes on a whole new perspective. Going into those Casemates at night can be a daunting experience.

For those who know me, my arachnophobia was trying to stop me from charging in (and you thought I’d be afraid of the ghosts – they were the least of my worries) but in the end I conquered it and entered all the areas. (Ok so I refused to get close to the iron fence but technically that wasn’t part of the investigation. Brrrrrrrrr there were too many spiders hanging out there for me to get close.)

My favorite area had to be Casemate 11 in spite of the close quarters. It was just a creepy place. Hard to believe they used it as a solitary confinement area. It was small, tight and very unpleasant if you were to be imprisoned. Thankfully we could come and go at will.

I’m in the process of reviewing our audio, video and pictures. I should have something up by next week. I’ve already started writing up our report and my experience. Bev and Kelly will hopefully share their experiences as well.

Many thanks to Mary G and Steve S for a well planned and amazing event. Also a personal thanks to all the paranormal investigators that shared the night with us. It was great meeting you all and perhaps we’ll have the opportunity to join again in the future.

A special thanks to Frank for taking the time to show me his full spectrum camera setup. It’s convinced me that full spectrum is not out of my budget while I save for that elusive thermal imaging equipment.

More to follow…

Paranormal Groups – lets do banner exchanges

To all paranormal groups that would like to do banner exchanges – please visit our banner exchange page  for information on how to get your banner listed on our links page. Any non-paranormal banner request will be evaluated on an individual bases for appropriateness.

You can add our banner 2 ways:

Download our banner image

and use this link for our website. I’ll put your banner and link up on our Links page.


Use this html code to put our banner and link on your website. It’s that simple.

<a target=”_self” href=””><img border=”0″ src=”” alt=”Paranormal Investigations of Rockland County”></a><br><p>Paranormal Investigations of Rockland County</p>


Hyperlinked words in Firefox

I just discovered an issue when using Firefox with Java script turned on. At times there will be specific words highlighted (usually green with double underline) that are hyperlinked to an unknown site. I am investigating this problem but please if you see one of these “green” hyperlinks report it to me and do not click on it. In the meantime when I find them I will replace the hyperlink with a link back to the page you are currently on. Based on what I’ve found it only seems to happen in Firefox with java script enabled. I apologize for any inconvenience and where possible I will reword the sentence to remove the ‘linked’ word but unfortunately that may not be possible in all cases. In fact it has happened in this post and so I’ve relinked the offending word.